By Juan M. Villaverde On May 24, 201805:24 PM Eastern
Click on the image to watch the video.
It’s that time in the cycle again! Investors are throwing in the towel and screaming in pain as the crypto markets sink.
What they don’t get —...
By The Weiss Ratings Team On May 24, 201805:01 PM Eastern
By Juan M. Villaverde On May 23, 201808:55 AM Eastern
Heads up: We are getting ready to publish, for the first time, our sub-grades that are behind each and every one of our 93 cryptocurrency ratings:
• One grade for technology and adoption —...
The Federal Reserve and other U.S. banking regulators are getting ready to water down the Volcker Rule.
Reason: They want to make it easier for megabanks to take big risks with other people’s...
By Tony Sagami On May 21, 201808:55 AM Eastern
If you were working for one of the most profitable investment banks in the world and got a big fat raise, you’d probably be jumping for joy.
Not Chris Matta, a freshly appointed vice president...
By Juan M. Villaverde On May 17, 201804:25 PM Eastern
To watch our 8-minute video conference on the portfolio and the crypto market outlook, click here.
We just recorded minutes ago!
Then, read on …
Correction Warnings
Several weeks ago, I...
By The Weiss Ratings Team On May 17, 201804:15 PM Eastern
By Juan M. Villaverde On May 16, 201808:55 AM Eastern
Why would anyone want to use crypto? Traditional money and banking work just fine, don’t they?
In the world’s most advanced countries, yes. At least most of the time.
But in countries that...
By Tony Sagami On May 14, 201808:55 AM Eastern
Juan Villaverde hit the nail on the head a couple of weeks ago: He said a Bitcoin correction was due by mid-May, give or take a few days. And sure enough, it’s here.
The correction, he writes,...
By Juan M. Villaverde On May 11, 201803:32 PM Eastern
Just yesterday, I warned you of an imminent correction in Bitcoin.
My model had been forecasting an 80-day cycle top around May 15, and I stressed that day was fast approaching,
A second...