Dawn Pennington

| Editorial Director

Dawn Pennington has spent the past two decades at several top financial publishers including Agora, Phillips Investment Resources and Weiss Ratings, where she is currently Editorial Director.

Along the way, she gained a top-notch trading education alongside some of the most prolific traders and investors in the country.

Early on, she earned the nickname “Options Goddess” from one of the stars of CNBC’s “Fast Money” talk show when they worked together at Phillips.

These days, Dawn is well-versed in options, stocks, ETFs, futures, technical analysis, cryptocurrencies, natural resources, private equity and other popular asset classes.

But perhaps her top talent is hiring great people and showing them how to translate “Trader’s English” into easy-to-understand, actionable content for investors of all skill levels.

She has also had her own work published at MarketWatch, Nasdaq, Newsmax, InvestorPlace and ETF Trends.

Dawn spent the early part of her career in Pittsburgh, temping at Westinghouse Electric Co., Deloitte, and Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers).

She later became a grant writer in the nonprofit sector before moving to Washington, D.C., where she was the editor-in-chief of a monthly magazine for professional counselors.

Dawn currently resides in South Florida with an orange cat who insists on joining every video call.

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