Major Rating Factors:
Good quality investment portfolio (6.0 on a scale of 0 to 10) despite large holdings of BBB rated bonds in addition to moderate junk bond exposure. Exposure to mortgages is significant, but the mortgage default rate has been low. Good Liquidity (6.1) with sufficient resources to handle a spike in claims as well as a significant increase in policy surrenders. Fair overall results on stability tests (4.8).
Other Rating Factors:
Strong capitalization (7.2) based on excellent risk adjusted capital (severe loss scenario). Excellent profitability (7.4).
Stability Factors:
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Ind annuities (28.8%), group annuities (26.2%), ind health (2.8%), group life (0.4%), other (41.7%)
Licensed in:
All states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico