Total Health Care Inc
Major Rating Factors:
Fair profitability index (3.6 on a scale of 0 to 10) with operating losses during 2019. Excellent overall capitalization (9.1) based on good current risk-adjusted capital (severe loss scenario) despite some fluctuation in capital levels. Excellent quality investment portfolio (7.4).
Other Rating Factors:
Excellent liquidity (10.0) with ample operational cash flow and liquid investments. Weak overall results on stability tests (0.0) based on a decline in the number of member physicians during 2022, a steep decline in capital during 2022. Rating is significantly influenced by the excellent financial results of Corewell Health.
Principal Lines of Business:
Licensed in:
Principal Enrollment Breakdown:
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
Corewell Health
Investment Rating
Company Address
1231 East Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Phone Number
(313) 871-7878
NAIC Number
Largest Affiliates