Major Rating Factors:
Fair profitability (4.0 on a scale of 0 to 10). Excellent expense controls. Return on equity has been fair, averaging 5.6%. Fair Liquidity (3.6) as cash from operations and sale of marketable assets may not be adequate to cover a spike in claims or a run on policy withdrawals. Fair overall results on stability tests (3.1) including weak results on operational trends and negative cash flow from operations for 2022.
Other Rating Factors:
Good quality investment portfolio (6.6). Strong capitalization (8.0) based on excellent risk adjusted capital (severe loss scenario).
Stability Factors:
A - Financial problems or weaknesses of a parent or affiliate company.
F - Negative cash flow.
L - Past results on our liquidity tests.
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Group life (1.0%), ind annuities (0.7%), other (98.3%)
Licensed in:
All states except NY, PR
Invested Assets
CMO & Structured Securities
Other Investment Grade Bonds
Non-Investment Grade Bonds
Common & Preferred Stock
Mortgages in Good Standing
Non-Performing Mortgages
Real Estate
Other Investments
Investments in Affiliates
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
Lincoln National Corp
Investment Rating
Company Address
1300 South Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Phone Number
(800) 444-2363
NAIC Number
Largest Affiliates