BUY Stocks On the Rise After a Losing Week
At first, the post-election surge in stock values appeared to be short-lived. But nearly five weeks and one short down tick later, it continues to maintain steam with BUY stocks increasing once again.
The BUY universe rose by 15 stocks to 1,187 last week, after a strong performance by the DOW and NASDAQ. There were 1,172 BUY stocks a week ago and 1,177 one month ago, so that represents increases of 1.3 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively.
As expected with stronger overall market performance, SELL stocks were down. The SELL stock universe dropped by 4 stocks last week, after being up by 26 a week before, a 30-stock swing in 7 days. Currently, there are 5,299 SELL rated stocks.
HOLD stocks were down by 19, with the total at 2,988.
The ratings still show lack of stability in the market. One week we have an increase in the BUYs and a decrease in the SELLs, and the next week the opposite happens. Yet another week later, things turn around again. This ratings trend indicates volatility in the market to us, where no two weeks of ratings show a strong indication of future direction.
There are 9,474 stocks rated by Weiss, and below is their recommendation distribution.
Be sure to check back with us often for the latest ratings and data, as our stock ratings are updated daily.