Wall Street Journal: The Debt Defaults Will Begin on April 1

Rarely does the establishment press make frightening forecasts — let alone a doomsday scenario that begins in just 48 hours.

But that’s precisely what the Wall Street Journal has just done.

Their prediction: Starting on April 1, just two days from now, millions of unemployed Americans will begin defaulting on their rent, their utilities and their credit card payments.

“An estimated $20 billion in monthly retail real estate loans are due as early as this week,” write the Wall Street Journal reporters. “Many retailers and restaurants have said they are not going to pay their April rents, which in turn poses a threat to the $3 trillion commercial mortgage market.”

And it’s not just small businesses. Large corporations are already defaulting on their payments …

Nike Inc. (NKE) is asking to pay half its rents.

TJ Maxx is delaying payments to its suppliers.

The Cheesecake Factory (CAKE) has notified landlords that it won’t pay April rent.

Residential and commercial landlords everywhere have been flooded with requests from individuals and businesses saying they will struggle to pay their rent for April.

And auto dealers have been swamped by calls from customers to put off their April lease or loan payments.

If American households could wait a few weeks for their government checks, it wouldn’t be so bad.

Or if companies could all get their small business loans at the drop of a hat, that would help too.

But they can’t.

And even if they could, Larry Kudlow, the President’s chief economic advisor, admits it’s not going to be nearly enough.

The big problem?

Most consumers and corporations in America

So now the dominoes are about to fall …

You will see a chain reaction of defaults by consumers and businesses, leading to …

... a sudden surge in demand for short-term loans, while lenders recoil in horror …

... and an avalanche of panic selling in the nation’s massive debt markets.

According to the Federal Reserve’s latest release on March 12, 2020, (p. 7), that includes …

  • $4.2 trillion in credit card balances and consumer loans
  • $10.6 trillion in one-to-four family mortgages
  • $16.1 trillion in corporate debts, and
  • $3.1 trillion owed by cities and states

This is no longer a forecast. It’s a simple description of what is happening already as we speak …

To protect your assets, you need
to take some urgent steps …

Step 1. If you hold stocks or stock mutual funds — in your regular brokerage account, in your 401(k) or in your IRA — sell about half immediately, focusing on those with the lowest Weiss Investment Ratings.

Step 2. Buy hedges. There are many good ones to choose from, some without leverage, some with leverage.

Unless you’re an experienced trader, we don’t recommend you buy the leveraged hedges on your own.

But here’s one that can help get you started: ProShares Short Dow 30 ETF (Symbol DOG). For every 10% decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, DOG is designed to go UP 10%. So in a falling market, it will make you money: In a rising market, it will lose money.

Step 3. Wait for a strong rally in the market. Then, use that rally as your opportunity to unload the rest of your vulnerable stock holdings.

Step 4. My team and I have created a new breakthrough strategy that uses the Weiss Stock Ratings to select some of the most powerful hedges in the world. Our mission is to …

1) Help you protect nearly all your assets for the duration of this crisis and beyond ...

2) Guide you the opportunity to go for very substantial gains in bad times, and …

3) Continue building your wealth rapidly when markets recover.

This month alone, on just three separate crash days, we counted 460 distinct trades selected by our Weiss Ratings that could have made you AT LEAST 300% gains in 24 hours or less.

And that doesn’t even include the biggest crash day of all this year — Black Monday, March 16.

On the first crash day, March 5, we saw 27 trades that returned gains ranging from 300% to 1,500%. Average gain: 486%.

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If you had invested $10,000 in just the AVERAGE trades — not the best ones mind you, just the average ones — you could have made $48,600 on day one, $67,300 on day two, and $71,800 on day three. That’s a total of $187,700!

All without reinvesting profits! All in just three trading days! And of course with more time, you could have made more money.

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To find out, simply click here now for my full report.

And please don’t delay.

Based on how the Dow closed on Friday (down 915 points), this could be another VERY tough week for the markets.

If I were you, I would not wait around for the next shoe to drop.

Because starting on April 1, this crisis is likely to set of a chain reaction of defaults and bankruptcies that no one in Washington can stop.

Good luck and God bless!


About the Weiss Ratings Founder

Dr. Weiss is the founder of Weiss Ratings, the nation’s leading provider of 100% independent grades on stocks, mutual funds and financial institutions, as well as the world’s only ratings agency that grades cryptocurrencies. He founded his company in 1971, and thanks largely to his strict independence, has established a 50-year record of accuracy. Forbes called him “Mr. Independence.” The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that his insurance company ratings outperformed those of A.M. Best, S&P and Moody’s by at least three to one. And The Wall Street Journal reported that investors using the Weiss stock ratings could have made more money than those following the grades issued by Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Standard & Poor’s and every other firm reviewed.

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