Research & News

Pivotal Point
City dwellers are ditching four wheels for two. Bicycle lanes and sharing depots are popping up in cities and metro areas all across the world. Many more are coming. The bike-share business...
Weiss Investor Signals Subscription Your Issue
Back in June, the average year-end bank forecast for the S&P 500 was a smidge over 2,500. Morgan Stanley was an outlier, calling for a bullish 2,700 on the broad stock index. Those forecasts...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Defense, defense, defense. I’ve been banging the drum like crazy on that sector all year. Then this week, we saw yet another reason why it’s beating the you-know-what out of the averages:...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Harvey, Irma, and now Maria. Who would have thought that these three names would strike so much terror into the hearts of residents of Texas, Florida, and now Puerto Rico? The potential damage...
Pivotal Point
Your parents probably told you to eat your vegetables so you could grow up strong and healthy. Well, if you give the same advice to your children and grandchildren, you might be wasting your...
Weiss Ratings Daily
In just a few short hours, the Federal Reserve will reveal its latest interest rate and balance sheet plans. My research suggests one sector could be a BIG winner, assuming the Fed says what I...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Hurricane Irma had its eye set on the east coast of Florida, with catastrophic damage predictions running as high as $200 billion. But she switched gears at the last minute, losing power and...
Supercycle Investor Subscription Your Issue
When you first joined us in this service, we told you all about the latest waves of fear money pouring into U.S. stocks from overseas. We explained the enormous power of foreign crises spreading...
Pivotal Point
Shares of semiconductor-maker NVIDIA Corp. (NVDA) surged to a record high Friday of $180.11. Some analysts are upbeat about new markets and the company’s lead over competitors. The gains bring...
Weiss Ratings Daily
First things first: Our office, my home, and the homes and families of our employees largely escaped the wrath of Hurricane Irma. I’m very thankful for that. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same...
Weiss Ratings