Research & News

Pivotal Point
Crazy-fast, next-generation wireless networks are coming, and they will change everything. Sure, we have heard this before. Experts promised big things from 2G, 3G and 4G LTE. But 5G, which is...
Supercycle Investor Subscription Alert
Precious metals seem to be finding their footing this week. Is this the start of something bigger? I think so. In our last issue, I told you about how demand for gold and silver is ramping up...
Weiss Ratings Daily
When it comes to investing, success is often a matter of timing. Buying a great investment at the wrong moment can lead to losses. So can implementing the “right” strategy at the wrong time. But...
Weiss Ratings Daily
The bid to replace Obamacare cleared its first hurdle in the House of Representatives. It now faces an uncertain fate in the Senate. You may already know what the proposed bill will or will not...
Pivotal Point
That smartphone in your pocket could hold the cure for malaria, dengue and the Zika virus, a noted Stanford University scientist says. Manu Prakash has a history of using oddball materials for...
Weiss Ratings Daily
After the election, small cap stocks rallied the most — and for good reason. They are a pure play on American growth as most small caps have limited, if any, exposure to international sales. Plus,...
Supercycle Investor Subscription Alert
Gold is down again this morning, hitting an eight-week low, after seeing yesterday’s rally fizzle. Surely, these are the times that try gold investors’ souls. But these are also the times when...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Here at Weiss Ratings, our data gives you a wealth of information about the state of the banking industry. One trend jumps right out at you today: Banks are piling up gigantic cash reserves, and...
Pivotal Point
Historically, the Chicago Board Options Exchange SPX Volatility Index (VIX) is a measure of investor anxiety. Last week, the CBOE Volatility Index reached a 10-year low. The prevailing lack of...
Supercycle Investor Subscription Alert
I went to Vancouver, Canada, last week to speak at the Metals Investor Forum 2017. (You can read my notes from the road here.) I came back with what might be bronchitis … but also with some...
Weiss Ratings