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Pivotal Point
Thirty million people dead in less than a year.  That’s the grisly forecast for a successful bioterrorist attack. And it’s more likely than ever, according to experts. Bill Gates made his...
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Three months ago, financial stocks were all the rage – and for good reason. Investors were convinced we had the perfect positive storm of rising inflation … promises of deregulation from the...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Who’s winning the ETF performance derby so far this year – stocks or bonds? The answer might surprise you. Take a look at this table. It shows the performance of ten benchmark ETFs, including...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Weiss issues safety ratings for thousands of insurance companies, but today I want to zero in on the safety of the often-discussed health insurance sector. We analyze their financial statements...
Pivotal Point
For most people, artificial intelligence is Siri, the lovable but slightly useless digital assistant on iPhones. She can’t really do anything except answer simple questions. She’s harmless. ...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Yes, reports on retail sales, jobs, inflation and manufacturing in the very recent past have missed expectations. That’s why the Atlanta Fed Model depicts a paltry 0.5% growth rate. But I sure...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Financial stocks have done very well since Donald Trump was elected for a number of reasons. But one of them is paramount: The U.S. banking industry has been on the mend since the 2008 financial...
Pivotal Point
Last week, the awakening began. In the tawny uptown offices, big banks reported mostly dismal results and warned the economic Trump bump was more smoke than fire. The contrast from January is...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Is today’s market volatile or non-volatile? The answer is … yes. In fact, it reminds me of the famous Schrodinger’s cat experiment. That’s the one where Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger...
Pivotal Point
Adidas, the giant athletic shoemaker, wants to 3D-print your next pair of sneakers. The iconic shoe manufacturer wouldn’t be the first to toy with the idea. Rivals have played with the...
Weiss Ratings