Research & News

Pivotal Point
You probably haven’t heard about precision medicine. That’s fine, it wasn’t even possible ten years ago. But now we’re entering the new Gilded Age — and suddenly researchers are using it to...
Weiss Ratings Daily
What do you get when you throw together rising inflation … promises of deregulation … looser lending standards … the potential for bigger dividend payouts … accelerating economic growth … and a...
Pivotal Point
They have done it again.  Boston Dynamics just released another terrifying video of a bipedal robot. Somebody really needs to tell the industrial robot designer the way to public hearts and...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Just over a month ago, I highlighted the defense sector as a great place to invest in 2017. The key reason: Donald Trump has pledged to unleash the biggest boom in defense spending this country...
Pivotal Point
Activision Blizzard (ATVI) has cracked one of the codes of the New Gilded Age. It found a way to use scads of digital data to monetize people’s free time. On February 10, the video-game...
Weiss Ratings Daily
There’s quite a lot going on in the Washington political scene, with clarity harder to find right now. That’s why stocks have been somewhat indecisive about which direction ultimately prevails...
Pivotal Point
It really is a brave new world. Not long ago, a group of prominent scientists announced plans for a project to create synthetic human DNA from scratch. That seems appropriate for Valentine’s...
Weiss Ratings Daily
We may be in a snacking season lull, what with the Super Bowl behind us and Spring Training a few weeks away. But boy are investors still gobbling up chips! Take a look at this Screener I...
Pivotal Point
A quick note here from the Money and Markets team: Our own Jon Markman has a great offer coming down the pike for his Pivotal Point Trader service. So, keep your eyes peeled for it in the days...
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I don’t know if you’re a football fan in general, or a New England Patriots fan in particular. But I’m both, and I have to tell you, that Super Bowl comeback was one for the ages! What an amazing...
Weiss Ratings