Research & News

Pivotal Point
Apple is about to become much less significant in the consumer electronics business. The notion that Apple (AAPL) is in decline is not even controversial anymore. Many longtime Apple...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Global markets were taken by surprise on Friday when the votes were counted in the U.K., as it became clear that Britain was going to leave the European Union (EU) after more than 40 years. Many,...
Weiss Investor Signals Subscription Your Issue
Last week, we took an in-depth look into Fundamental Analysis: The study of a company’s financial data, sales strategies, marketing initiatives, and economic position in the marketplace. We found...
Pivotal Point
Surely you remember Intel. It is still the largest U.S. semiconductor maker, but has curiously faded from prominence. It was once at the top of the heap, riding the wave of desktop computer...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Utility stocks don’t usually create much excitement among investors, or the market, or in the news, but owning them may provide you with stable returns and low volatility … if that’s what you’re...
Weiss Investor Signals Subscription Your Issue
Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked under the hood of Heat Maps Advanced Topics … We started out with an in-depth look at the Income Statement. Then, we moved on to the Balance Sheet and the...
Pivotal Point
Bankers are under attack around the world. The assault is not being led by masked men with pistols but rather by anonymous cyber-thieves armed with malicious code. The bankers’ vulnerability...
Weiss Ratings Daily
On Friday, there were reports of sell-offs in overseas markets, and the money was flooding into the U.S-specifically to U.S. Treasuries. Given the underwhelming 1.65% yield being offered, is this...
Weiss Investor Signals Subscription Your Issue
If you’ve been with us through our adventures over the last few weeks, we’ve delved into some Heat Maps Advanced Topics.  We took an in-depth look at the Income Statement and how it explains the...
Pivotal Point
So here we are in June. Can you believe the year is almost half over? Some 156 days have already clicked past, and there are 209 more to go. If there was something you really wanted to accomplish...
Weiss Ratings