Research & News

Weiss Ratings Daily
Just over a decade ago, one of the first major dominoes in the mortgage crisis toppled. The venerable Wall Street brokerage firm Bear Stearns collapsed, forcing the government and Federal Reserve...
Wealth Wave
Today’s story is about oil, gasoline and perspective. Let me explain that with a joke. Jean-Claude goes to his doctor for his annual checkup. A week later, his doctor calls with the results. ...
Pivotal Point
Another iconic American store is on deathwatch. Last week, managers at Toys “R” Us Inc. told their 33,000 U.S. employees to expect that all stores will close in the coming months. That’s...
Weiss Ratings Daily
It’s been a while since our children were young enough to enjoy the playground. But as parents, we remember how much joy they got hanging from the monkey bars, swinging on the swings, and slipping...
Wealth Wave
There is a trade war brewing. You might think the biggest target would be China. You’d be wrong. That’s not to say China isn’t a target. Of course it is. In fact, the Nikkei Asian Review reports...
Pivotal Point
It’s not easy for cryptocurrency speculators right now. Right now, it seems like everyone in a position of power is turning against them. This week, officials at the International Monetary Fund...
Weiss Ratings Daily
I lived in Texas for eight wonderful years and as many of my friends there repeatedly told me, “EVERYTHING is big in Texas!” It’s true: Texans do everything in a big way. But the same is true —...
Wealth Wave
I don’t make a lot of changes to my 401(k) account. Heck, I barely touch the thing. That’s because it’s for my “long term money,” something not to be traded actively or taken lightly. But a few...
Pivotal Point
Jet fighters, helicopters and missile systems are really important. Yet, designing and building them is just a small part of what Lockheed Martin (LMT) engineers do every day. The Maryland...
Weiss Ratings