The True Spirit of Christmas


by Tony Sagami
By Tony Sagami

The meaning of the holiday season has dramatically changed for me over the years.

As a child, the holidays mean presents and time off from school, but now that I am older (and hopefully wiser), the holidays are no longer a time, a season or even a celebration.

To me, the holidays are more of a state of mind and Christmas is a magic blanket that wraps us with love.

Presents? The gifts of time and love are surely the best presents we can receive.

For me, nothing in the world tops the time I spend with my three grandchildren.

Tony and his 3 grandchildren.
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Instead of opening presents, the holiday season is about opening our hearts to the important people in our lives.

And now that I'm an AARP-aged adult, I have come to believe that the reason we spend so much money on Christmas presents is that we use them as a substitute for the words of love and appreciation that are, unfortunately, spoken too infrequently to the important people in our lives.

I want to let you know that you are one of those important people in my life because without your support, I would not have the opportunity to pursue my professional passion of searching the globe for unique investment opportunities.

I do not take for granted your gift of time to read my musings.

My passion was inherited from my father, a simple vegetable farmer, but he worked his fields with an unwavering dedication to deliver the best product he could to his customers. My father's produce was so perfect that generations of families would drive to our remote farm in western Washington just to eat his delicious vegetables.

I don't have any dirt under my fingernails like my father, but I share the same passionate commitment to my members, and that is why I truly value your interest in my work.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Have a wonderful holiday,


P.S. If you’re in the spirit of giving, consider offering a loved one the gift of my tailored picks. Members of my trading service, Disruptors & Dominators, are sitting on multiple double-digit gains despite this year’s bear market. Click here to find out more.

About the Technology Analyst

Even in the worst years for stocks, Tony was twice named “Portfolio Manager of the Year” by Thomson Financial. He was one of the first to introduce computer software for trading stocks. And in the early 2000s, he wrote “The Supernet,” providing a vision of the future internet that was far ahead of its time.

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