Major Rating Factors:
Operating profits as a percentage of assets at 0.8%, coupled with a return on assets of 0.6 has resulted in Weak (1.4) profitability. A current level of 4.7 percent of nonperforming loans to core capital combined with 1.9 percent from a year earlier contributes to the Good asset quality (6.8).
Other Rating Factors:
Excellent current capitalization (9.5 on a scale of 0 to 10) based on a risk-based capital ratio of 15.4 and a capital leverage ratio of 11.2. A five year analysis of stability tests including evaluations of capital adequacy, asset growth, and profitability lead to an Excellent overall stability index (7.8 on a scale of 0 to 10).
Asset Mix:
Comm re (27%), comm loans (21%), securities (19%), cash (4%), home mtgs (1%), other (28%)
States with Branches:
Asset Quality
Non-Performing Loans to Capital
Non-Performing Assets to Assets
Non-Performing Loans to Loans
Loan Loss Reserves to Loans
Charge-Offs to Average Loans
5-Year Charge-Offs to Average Loans
5-Year Asset Growth
1-Year Asset Growth
Operating Profit to Average Assets
Return on Equity
Net Interest Spread
5-Year ROAA (Return on Average Assets)
Overhead Efficiency Ratio
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
Israel Discount Bank Limited
Investment Rating
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
New York, NY 10036
Phone Number
(212) 551-8500
Year Founded
FDIC Number
Largest Affiliates
No affiliate information available.