GreenState Credit Union
Major Rating Factors:
Fair current capitalization (4.8 on a scale of 0 to 10) based on a net capital to total assets of 7.1 and a net worth ratio of 8.9. Operating profits as a percentage of assets at 0.4%, coupled with a return on assets of 0.2 has resulted in Weak (2.0) profitability.
Other Rating Factors:
A current level of 19.2 percent of nonperforming loans to core capital combined with 7.3 percent from a year earlier contributes to the Good asset quality (5.2). A five year analysis of stability tests including evaluations of capital adequacy, asset growth, and profitability lead to a Good overall stability index (5.2 on a scale of 0 to 10).
Asset Mix:
Home mtgs (28%), consumer loans (17%), other (54%)
Asset Quality
Non-Performing Loans to Capital
Non-Performing Assets to Assets
Non-Performing Loans to Loans
Loan Loss Reserves to Loans
Charge-Offs to Average Loans
5-Year Charge-Offs to Average Loans
5-Year Asset Growth
1-Year Asset Growth
Operating Profit to Average Assets
Return on Equity
Net Interest Spread
5-Year ROAA (Return on Average Assets)
Overhead Efficiency Ratio
Corporate Info
2355 Landon Road
North Liberty, IA 52317
North Liberty, IA 52317
Phone Number
(319) 248-5815
NCUA Charter Number
Largest Competitors
Waterloo, IA
Dubuque, IA
Cedar Rapids, IA
Dubuque, IA
Ottumwa, IA