Crypto Research & News

Weiss Crypto Daily
This is simple, yes … but super, super important. Cryptocurrencies perform two very different functions: 1) A storehouse of a value similar to gold, and ... 2) A medium of exchange like...
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Bitcoin Below $7,200 Could Delay Next Year’s Monster Move Up But only slightly. The powerful upward thrust we expect to see during the next 240-day cycle (the second in this new bull market)...
Weiss Crypto Investor Subscription Your Issue
We may think Amazon is the King of E-commerce, but it has stiff competition from its China-based competitor, Alibaba. Tony Sagami has 5 big reasons Alibaba can — and likely will — dethrone Amazon...
Weiss Crypto Daily
I’ve been to several cryptocurrency/blockchain conferences in the past year. But I have a feeling the recent BlockShow 2019 conference in Singapore might turn out to be the most useful,...
Weiss Crypto Daily
This has been a red-ink week for crypto markets, with all the sectors down by double digits. The Weiss 50 Crypto Index (W50) — the world’s broadest crypto barometer — was down by 16.7% on the...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Your Issue
Our ratings are updated weekly. For the latest list, click here. My Bitcoin Target for the First Half of 2020 As we approach the beginning of a brand-new decade, the time has...
Weiss Crypto Daily
If you visit crypto websites or ask casual observers, you might come away thinking there are thousands of "cryptocurrencies" in the world. Big mistake! Yes, they're all digital assets. And...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Singapore is a LONG way from our Florida office, but Asia is the epicenter of the cryptocurrency and blockchain revolution. That is why I've traveled more than 10,000 miles from home: to attend...
Weiss Crypto Daily
While the crypto market as a whole continued to consolidate last week, the industry's smaller sectors outperformed. The Weiss 50 Crypto Index (W50), the world’s broadest measure of the industry,...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Alert
Our ratings are updated weekly. For the latest list, click here. Trade Alert: Move Half Your EOS to Ethereum Bitcoin Still in Sideways Range; Your Tezos Greatly Outperforms ...
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