By Juan M. Villaverde On March 20, 201908:55 AM Eastern
When companies like JPMorgan Chase or Facebook issue “cryptocurrencies,” everyone gets excited.
“Wow! Now crypto is really gonna to take off,” they think.
Maybe, sure. But the tokens they...
By Tony Sagami On March 18, 201908:55 AM Eastern
If you ever have a chance to attend the Summer Olympics … GO!
I went to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and it was an amazing experience. Warning: Tickets to the most popular events — such as...
By Juan M. Villaverde On March 14, 201906:15 PM Eastern
I have two very timely topics: Binance Coin (BNB), which has been surging. And Bitcoin, which has been moving mostly sideways.
Let’s start with BNB.
Yes, BNB has rocketed 63% since late...
By Juan M. Villaverde On March 14, 201908:55 AM Eastern
The Big Four central banks of the world — the U.S. Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of Japan (BOJ) and the Bank of England (BOE) — are arguably the most powerful institutions of...
By Tony Sagami On March 11, 201908:55 AM Eastern
Our future is going to be filled with robots. No, not “Terminator”-type androids. Rather, industrial ones that perform many of the tasks humans do today.
Robot usage is already taking off. In...
By Juan M. Villaverde On March 7, 201906:00 PM Eastern
Our ratings are updated weekly. For the latest list, click here.
Bitcoin has continued its sideways chop, with the pullback I told you about last week … more sideways action … selling pressure...
By Juan M. Villaverde On March 6, 201908:55 AM Eastern
Facebook is taking the plunge.
Behind closed doors and under a veil of not-so-secret hush-hush, they’re preparing to launch their own “cryptocurrency.”
No one on the outside seems to know what...
By Tony Sagami On March 4, 201908:55 AM Eastern
When will the cryptocurrency market take off?
That’s easy. When institutional investors start to throw even a small part of their trillions of dollars into it.
But before mutual funds,...
By Juan M. Villaverde On February 28, 201905:00 PM Eastern
As I said last week, to break out of the bear zone, Bitcoin needs to make a convincing move, cross above $4,300 and then launch forward from there.
Last week it got close. But no cigar. Its...
Below is the recent Weiss Ratings submission to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in response to the CFTC’s request for input on crypto-asset mechanics and markets.
We are very...