Crypto Research & News

Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Alert
Yesterday, I told you to allocate 5% of your crypto portfolio to add equal amounts (1% each) to your positions in EOS, NEO, Ripple, Bitcoin and Steem. But I also told you to wait for my final...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Readers want to know why we rate and recommend only native tokens, also referred to as blockchain protocols. They want to know why we don’t cover non-native tokens. For the distinction between...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Your Issue
Nobody rings a bell at market bottoms. In fact, most investors can only be certain of one after the fact — by looking in the rearview mirror. True to form, Bitcoin’s price action has lately been...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Almost every day, I get some very intelligent questions in my mailbag and do my best to answer them. Here’s a good example: James C. writes: I’ve been investing in stocks for 60 years. I...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Before you do anything else, go here to read Martin Weiss’ just-published article in The Hill newspaper. He names the strongest cryptocurrencies today with their ratings. And he covers four...
Weiss Crypto Daily
The global monetary system broke in 2008, and no one has bothered to fix it. Instead, the world’s largest central banks embarked on the most extreme episode of money creation in history — $15...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Your Issue
Last week, I pointed out how Bitcoin’s $7,300-to-$9,200 trading range had come to define a sleepy, consolidating crypto-market climate. Then Bitcoin suddenly woke up, and busted out decisively to...
Weiss Crypto Daily
As crypto markets struggle to find a bottom in price, regulators in multiple countries are struggling to get a grip on how to integrate cryptocurrencies into their world. One of the big concerns...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Your Issue
After many weeks of price explosions, price meltdowns and news shocks, this week brought a pleasant surprise to frazzled crypto investors … It was uneventful. The market snoozed. This is...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Since tomorrow’s a holiday, we’re publishing our regular Friday issue today. A few years ago, a Weiss analyst recommended Bitcoin to a relatively small group of readers. If each reader had...
Weiss Ratings