Crypto Research & News

Weiss Crypto Daily
Just this past Friday, we released some important ratings changes on major cryptocurrencies. If you’re a subscriber, check your inbox for the issue we sent you Friday afternoon. If not, you...
Weiss Crypto Daily
We just released some important ratings changes on major cryptocurrencies. If you’re a subscriber, check your inbox for the email we sent you an hour ago. If not, you can join here. With the...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Still think Bitcoin should get an “A” rating? Then be sure to read the blockbuster whitepaper we released this week, “The Bitcoin Rating Controversy: Why We Give It a C+.” Or, just take one look...
Weiss Crypto Daily
On January 24, 2018, the first Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings were released. Bitcoin got a C+ (“fair”). And many in the crypto community fiercely denounced the grade as overly punishing. This paper...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Wow! What a week! Even before we released our first Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings last Wednesday, our website got hit by a massive cyberattack from Asia. (See CNBC’s story about that here.) ...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Last week, we caused global outrage with our C+ rating for Bitcoin. We were cursed, ridiculed and laughed at. One group even tried to mount a cyberattack against our Weiss Ratings website. But...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Hey all! I’m Juan Villaverde.  Today, I’m here to address criticisms regarding our ratings methodology. First off, any and all feedback is welcome! I mean that. We’re delighted with the...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Dear Friends, Wow! What a day! After a cyberattack last night, we’re seeing a barrage of criticism on the Web, especially from disappointed Bitcoin and Ripple fans. Understood! Many see...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Q. Bitcoin is the dominant cryptocurrency in the marketplace. Why doesn’t it get an A? A. Thanks to its strong adoption and brand, Bitcoin does merit an A in one of our four indexes. But it...
Weiss Ratings