Major Rating Factors:
Fair overall results on stability tests (3.6 on a scale of 0 to 10) including excessive premium growth, weak results on operational trends and negative cash flow from operations for 2022. Weak profitability (1.5) with operating losses during 2022. Return on equity has been low, averaging -65.7%. Strong capitalization (8.9) based on excellent risk adjusted capital (severe loss scenario).
Other Rating Factors:
High quality investment portfolio (9.6). Excellent Liquidity (8.5).
Stability Factors:
A - Financial problems or weaknesses of a parent or affiliate company.
D - Limited diversification of general business, policy, and/or investment risk.
F - Negative cash flow.
G - Fast asset or premium growth.
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Group health (100.0%)
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