Bright Hlth Ins Co TN
Major Rating Factors:
Weak profitability index (0.9 on a scale of 0 to 10) with 40.7 million in losses in the last five years. Average return on equity has been poor at -68.3%. Weak overall results on stability tests (1.5) based on excessive premium growth during 2022, an excessive 176% enrollment growth during the period and poor risk diversification due to the company's size. Rating is significantly influenced by the weak financial results of NeueHealth Inc. Good capitalization index (5.6) based on fair current risk-adjusted capital (severe loss scenario). However, risk-adjusted capital has reached as low as the weak level during recent years.
Other Rating Factors:
Excellent quality investment portfolio (9.9) containing small junk bond exposure. Excellent liquidity (7.1) with ample operational cash flow and liquid investments.
Principal Lines of Business:
Licensed in:
Principal Enrollment Breakdown:
Other Highlights
Medical Loss Ratio
Medical Expense
Per Member Per Month ($)
Provider Compensation ($000)
Capitation Pay
Fee For Service
Contractual Pay
Member Physicians
Total Patient Encounters
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
NeueHealth Inc
Investment Rating
Company Address
8000 Norman Center Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55437
Minneapolis, MN 55437
Phone Number
(612) 238-1321
NAIC Number
Largest Affiliates