American Platinum P&C Ins Co
Major Rating Factors:
Fair profitability index (4.1 on a scale of 0 to 10) with operating losses during 2020 and 2022. Return on equity has been low, averaging 0.2% over the past five years. Fair overall results on stability tests (4.4) including. The largest net exposure for one risk is excessive at 6.4% of capital. Strong long-term capitalization index (8.7) based on excellent current risk adjusted capital (severe and moderate loss scenarios), despite some fluctuation in capital levels.
Other Rating Factors:
History of adequate reserve strength (6.9) as reserves have been consistently at an acceptable level. Excellent liquidity (8.6) with ample operational cash flow and liquid investments.
Stability Factors:
A - Financial problems or weaknesses of a parent or affiliate company.
G - Fast asset or premium growth.
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Homeowners (99.7%), comm multi (0.3%)
Licensed in:
Principal Investments:
Investment grade bonds (80.2%), other (19.8%)
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
Universal Ins Holdings Inc
Investment Rating
Company Address
1110 West Commercial Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone Number
(954) 958-1200
NAIC Number
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