Major Rating Factors:
Fair overall results on stability tests (4.4 on a scale of 0 to 10) including weak results on operational trends. The largest net exposure for one risk is conservative at 1.1% of capital. Good long-term capitalization index (6.4) based on good current risk adjusted capital (moderate loss scenario).
Other Rating Factors:
Good liquidity (5.4) with sufficient resources (cash flows and marketable investments) to handle a spike in claims. Weak profitability index (2.6) with operating losses during 2018, 2020 and 2022. Average return on equity over the last five years has been poor at -8.0%. Ample reserve history (7.0) that can protect against increases in claims costs.
Stability Factors:
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Homeowners (75.1%), comm multi (13.0%), fire (1.9%), farmowners (0.5%), other (9.5%)
Licensed in:
All states except CT, MA, RI, PR
Principal Investments:
Investment grade bonds (98.0%), other (2.0%)