In a little over a decade, the next evolution of human beings starts. According to a noted engineer and futurist, that’s when we can expect brain implants that will link us to supercomputers.
Ray Kurzweil, the director of engineering at Google, was at the SXSW Conference in Austin, Tex., this week. He spoke about technological singularity. That’s the process whereby humans and machines finally merge. By 2029, he figures that computers will have “human level intelligence” and that the technology will exist to make convergence inevitable.
Before you dismiss all of this as quackery, you should know previous Kurzweil predictions have been uncanny. In his 1990 book, The Age of Intelligent Machines, he predicted the Internet would become the defining consumer technology of our generation.
Considering CompuServe and Prodigy together accounted for little more than 1 million users at the time, that seemed like crazy talk.
And then there were his predictions about the rise of mobile phones, fax machines and even the fall of the Soviet Union. Later books said we should expect supercomputers in the cloud and nanorobots capable of performing the most delicate medical procedures.
All of these things came true.

In many ways, the singularity is the culmination of these advances. It also plays very well with the vegan, latte-sipping, kumbaya crowd at the annual SXSW confab. It speaks to a world in which humans expand their horizons through benevolent technology. We become all that we can be.
Given his Google roots, Kurzweil is happy to foster that sentiment. He sees machines empowering humans, making us better, smarter, happier. Think: The Six Million Dollar Man with a mind meld. We’ll understand each other better when we”connect our neocortex, the part of our brain where we do our thinking, to the cloud,” he says.
But there are concerns …
Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla (TSLA) and rocket company Space-X, is less optimistic. He sees the evolution of cybernetics as a defensive measure. In his view, artificially intelligent machines learning at exponential rates pose grave risks to humans. Ultimately, they will be tasked with tricky moral choices that involve human life. It’s not a Terminator, but it’s close.
It’s a view shared by other noted thinkers, like Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates and astrophysics icon Stephen Hawking.
In a recent Reddit online forum, Hawking explained his concerns using the analogy of intelligent machines developed to run a hydroelectric project. Given their core competency, would those machines choose to flood lands for the betterment of the project despite the existence of large colonies of anthills? Hawking concluded the machines do not flood the land because they hate ants. They choose to flood because it’s within their core competency.
Now, imagine humans as ants.
Musk believes the answer is an implant designed to grow with our brains. Neural Lace would optimize brain output by providing a neural interface with advanced computers. Knowledge would become virtually unlimited. Cognitive performance would match the smartest machines.
What is most remarkable is none of this is science fiction. Scientific American
reports the National Institutes of Health and DARPA, a military research organization, have been working on prototypes for the past 15 years. According to the DARPA biotech chief, “2017 will blow our minds.”
By that, let’s hope he means: “We’re going to be able to meet and improve the physical needs of all humans. We’re going to expand our minds and exemplify uplifting qualities that we value.”
You first.
Best wishes,
Jon Markman