Pivotal Point

Turning points in history and in the markets can help you transform small grubstakes into not-so-small fortunes. Or they can trip up your finances for months, even years. This free e-letter will not only keep you one step ahead of the news, but it will also help you identify the pivotal point in time when a major turn is near.


The Internet of Things is a topic I’ve touched on several times before. Like in this issue. And this one. It’s one of the four most profitable megatrends that will influence not just the next...
Have you watched Dr. Martin Weiss’ 2020 Preview: Megatrends and Megaprofits video yet? Yesterday, he revealed six surprising forecasts PLUS the four most profitable megatrends for not just the...
President Trump says trade wars are easy to win. But that depends on his definition of winning. Here’s how China is redefining that term for itself … The Chinese government announced Saturday...
The cloud was a seismic shift for enterprise computing. The next big move, to the edge, is going to be even more important. Amazon Web Services, the leading cloud provider, is getting ready for...
It’s officially here. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. By all accounts, companies that have embraced digital are winning, again. Consumers spent $7.4 billion...
Elon Musk revealed a new Tesla (TSLA) pickup called Cybertruck last week. It went smashingly well. Tesla is a unique company. As one of the first mass market electric vehicle manufacturers, it...
Traditionally, half of all annual retail sales occur during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Sadly, this season will be the last for many brick-and-mortar stores. A.C. Moore announced...
Apple (AAPL) shares may be making new highs, but the heart of its business is under concerted attack. A Porsche executive told an audience at the Automobility conference in Los Angles last week...
Elon Musk must be grinning from ear to ear. The world’s largest automakers are finally turning their fleets electric. Competition is coming. Ford (F) unveiled the Mustang Mach-E Sunday, its...
Enormous platforms are taking over most aspects of commerce. And there is almost nothing smaller players can do about it. Microsoft (MSFT) announced Tuesday that Teams, its enterprise chat...

About the Editor

Jon D. Markman is winner of the prestigious Gerald Loeb Award for outstanding financial journalism and the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi award. He was also on Los Angeles Times staffs that won Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of the 1992 L.A. riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. He invented Microsoft’s StockScouter, the world’s first online app for analyzing and picking stocks.

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