Pivotal Point
Turning points in history and in the markets can help you transform small grubstakes into not-so-small fortunes. Or they can trip up your finances for months, even years. This free e-letter will not only keep you one step ahead of the news, but it will also help you identify the pivotal point in time when a major turn is near.
By Jon D. Markman On November 5, 201802:25 PM Eastern
Motoring is changing faster than you think. It is going to be everything promised in the movies — exhilarating, futuristic and eerily quiet.
The 2021 BMW i4 is a real looker. It is a welcomed,...
By Jon D. Markman On November 2, 201801:55 PM Eastern
Investors have a problem. Two of the most important economic powers are at war. As tensions escalate, both sides are being pushed to more extreme measures.
The U.S. Commerce Department announced...
By Jon D. Markman On October 31, 201801:55 PM Eastern
Move fast and break things. The idea is to push beyond what experts believe is possible.
This is a great motto for innovation. Unfortunately, right now it is under attack.
Amazon.com (AMZN)...
By Jon D. Markman On October 29, 201804:10 PM Eastern
Tim Cook understands rebranding. He transformed Steve Jobs’ scrappy, innovative company into a sleepy, iterative cash cow. Now he’s trying to change the rules for big tech.
The Apple chief...
By Jon D. Markman On October 26, 201804:55 PM Eastern
It is an especially bad time to be in the cable TV business. Viewership is shrinking, and now major technology companies are looking to pick off even more customers.
Apple (AAPL) is set to...
By Jon D. Markman On October 24, 201801:55 PM Eastern
Big, established sectors of the global economy are being overrun by agile, digital predators. And it is going to get much worse.
Uber is preparing for a 2019 public stock offering. According to...
By Jon D. Markman On October 22, 201804:10 PM Eastern
Big is the only story today. Scale is everything. Some companies learned this early. Investors should seek those businesses.
Core-Mark Holding Co. (CORE) is not your typical growth business. It...
By Jon D. Markman On October 19, 201803:20 PM Eastern
Successful investing is about patience and seeing the bigger trend. Netflix (NFLX) changed the way we consume media, and it became the first global network.
After the closing bell on Tuesday,...
By Jon D. Markman On October 17, 201803:00 PM Eastern
Imagine a world where smart things got smarter without the need for service from a technician or buying new gear.
Droid Life, a technology enthusiast website, reported Oct. 13 that Google is...
By Jon D. Markman On October 15, 201802:41 PM Eastern
The powers-that-be want to kill paper money. It would make everything so much easier.
However, cash is still king at the lower rung of the socioeconomic ladder. Walmart (WMT) and PayPal (PYPL)...
About the Editor
Jon D. Markman is winner of the prestigious Gerald Loeb Award for outstanding financial journalism and the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi award. He was also on Los Angeles Times staffs that won Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of the 1992 L.A. riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. He invented Microsoft’s StockScouter, the world’s first online app for analyzing and picking stocks.