Pivotal Point
Turning points in history and in the markets can help you transform small grubstakes into not-so-small fortunes. Or they can trip up your finances for months, even years. This free e-letter will not only keep you one step ahead of the news, but it will also help you identify the pivotal point in time when a major turn is near.
By Jon D. Markman On July 26, 201607:30 AM Eastern
In 2011, Facebook (FB) was besieged by surging data-management costs. It was growing too fast. So it decided to change the way it did data centers.
That change was radical. Jonathan Heiliger,...
By Jon D. Markman On July 19, 201607:30 AM Eastern
Microsoft wants to use synthetic DNA strands to store the world’s data. And that could make giant data centers obsolete.
There’s no doubt about it, the world’s biggest technology firms are...
By Jon D. Markman On July 12, 201607:30 AM Eastern
Facebook Live changes everything. It’s gripping. It’s real. It’s immediate. And now it looks like it’s ready to kill the last remaining stronghold of network television.
Philando Castile, his...
By Jon D. Markman On July 5, 201607:30 AM Eastern
In the classic 1967 film The Graduate, a family friend offers young Ben one word as guidance for his future: Plastics. Good call.
Google is having that consigliore moment right now with...
By Jon D. Markman On June 28, 201607:30 AM Eastern
Apple is about to become much less significant in the consumer electronics business.
The notion that Apple (AAPL) is in decline is not even controversial anymore. Many longtime Apple...
By Jon D. Markman On June 21, 201607:30 AM Eastern
Surely you remember Intel. It is still the largest U.S. semiconductor maker, but has curiously faded from prominence. It was once at the top of the heap, riding the wave of desktop computer...
By Jon D. Markman On June 14, 201607:30 AM Eastern
Bankers are under attack around the world. The assault is not being led by masked men with pistols but rather by anonymous cyber-thieves armed with malicious code.
The bankers’ vulnerability...
By Jon D. Markman On June 7, 201607:30 AM Eastern
So here we are in June. Can you believe the year is almost half over? Some 156 days have already clicked past, and there are 209 more to go. If there was something you really wanted to accomplish...
By Jon D. Markman On May 31, 201607:30 AM Eastern
There has always been an income-inequality problem in the world of software development. Now, a new study from Sensor Tower illuminates just how big that divide has become.
Like most gold...
By Jon D. Markman On May 24, 201607:30 AM Eastern
Profits are good for companies obviously, but increasing profits on a consistent basis is even better.
So S&P Capital IQ, a division of McGraw Hill Financial, went to work earlier this...
About the Editor
Jon D. Markman is winner of the prestigious Gerald Loeb Award for outstanding financial journalism and the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi award. He was also on Los Angeles Times staffs that won Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of the 1992 L.A. riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. He invented Microsoft’s StockScouter, the world’s first online app for analyzing and picking stocks.