Wealth Megatrends

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Nearly a century ago, Russian economist Nikolai Kondratiev identified the long wave of wealth creation and destruction. Since then, his foresight has proven prescient.

Today’s investors who understand it have the opportunity to make some of the largest fortunes — not only by riding the long wave itself, but also by profiting from the multiple megatrends it spins off.

Right now, we are bearing witness right now to some of the most powerful and sustainable megatrends in history. Not only do they have the potential to change our world as we know it, but also investors’ fortunes.

According to Wealth Megatrends editor Sean Brodrick, several forces are converging to drive precious metals like gold and silver higher … and potentially CATAPULT select mining companies, developers and explorers, which are leveraged to the metals, higher even faster.

At the same time …

  • Companies that make, maintain and use drone technology — both in the air and on the ground — will create countless new millionaires.
  • A broad array of new technologies — including AI, electric/driverless vehicles, big data, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and blockchain — are interacting with each other to produce a virtuous cycle of growth and wealth.
  • The benefits of AI technology are growing faster than ever. So are the risks, which means the need for tools and know-how to fight dangerous AI-powered cybersecurity attacks will be more vital than ever before.
  • The $2 trillion China exodus that’s underway right now means money, jobs and entire companies are flocking to — you guessed it — the U.S., where we should see a big industrial boom.

These are just a few of the megatrends Sean is showing investors how to play for profits as things unfold at potentially faster paces that any of us could imagine,

Wealth Megatrends can also show you how to avoid financial fallout from geopolitical, social and cultural megatrends that can impact the markets — for better or worse.

Overall, when you better understand the megatrends, you can unlock the doors to potentially rapid growth in your wealth, while also protecting your money from the often-hidden risks and threats.

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About the Editor

Sean Brodrick identifies trends early and has a knack for mining for the most financially sound stocks within them, just before those trends turn into megatrends. And he taps into the powerful Weiss Ratings to help him do it.

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