5 Best Blockchain Trades of The Year

Tony Sagami

I have two recommendations that will help you start off the new decade right.

First, take it easy on the eggnog and other New Year's Eve libations.

And second, if you do want to indulge, I suggest doing so via loading up on the stocks that are not only making the blockchain revolution not just possible but also … boring.

Per the MIT Technology Review

"2017 saw the blockchain technology as a revolution designed to disrupt the existing global financial framework.

"In 2018, it turned out to be a disappointment.

"But in 2019, Blockchain technology will begin to become mundane."

I don't know about mundane. At least, not when you're talking about the kind of gains you could have made from blockchain technology-focused stocks.

In fact, if you had followed even just a few of my recommendations, you could have made a bundle this year. In the first half of this year, you learned about ...

Jan. 28, 2019, was a profile of Walmart (WMT) when it was trading at $95.55. Even back then, the Bentonville, Ark., retail giant was emerging as one of the biggest adopters of blockchain for its supply-management chain. WMT is up some 25% since then and paid out four quarterly dividends of 53 cents apiece, adding up to $2.12 per share for this year.

Feb. 11, 2019, I highlighted JPMorgan Chase (JPM) at $98.62, along with its efforts to use blockchain to revolutionize the cross-border payment process. JPM is up 39% since and paid out $2.50 in dividends. And it's set to make its next payout of 90 cents per share on Jan. 31.

March 11, 2019, I wrote about Rockwell International (ROK). That's one of the largest industrial robot-makers in the world, and it's using blockchain to block hackers. Back in March, this stock was trading at $175.25. ROK has gained 16% since and paid $2.96 in dividends.

May 13, 2019, was about Microsoft (MSFT), one of the biggest believers in blockchain on the planet, when it was trading for $125.18. MSFT is up 26% and has paid out 97 cents in dividends.

July 22, 2019, I wrote about Facebook's (FB) new cryptocurrency, Libra, and how it could revolutionize the global payments system. FB was trading at $198.81 then, but is now trading at $205. Not bad for just six months! Look for the next payout on March 12, of 51 cents per share.

The technology that powers cryptocurrencies is only a small part of these companies' businesses today. But their early lead in this blockbuster industry bodes well for future blockchain profits. Just look at their 2019 gains!

It is easy to get bogged down in the technical details and difficult-to-understand technology of blockchain.

But there is one very simple, very accurate role that only blockchain can deliver …

Blockchain makes it possible to trust people you don't know.

In short, blockchain eliminates fraud. Think about how much money businesses spend on making sure they can trust people they transact with. For example:

  • Title companies make sure the person you are buying a house from delivers the title to you.
  • Brokerage companies make sure the person you bought 100 shares of Apple (AAPL) from can deliver it to you.
  • Escrow companies make sure the people who owe you money pay you.

In short, blockchain is creating a world without middlemen.

That's a monumental technological innovation, one that's creating what I think will be the most profitable opportunities we will ever see.

Related post: These billion-dollar companies are betting big on blockchain

For starters, blockchain is going to save companies billions of dollars every day.

And a few select companies — both big and small — that provide blockchain services stand to make an absolute fortune. I'm talking about …

Wealth Beyond Our Imaginations!

Tattoo that on your brain.

If you understand the simple, but invaluable, service that blockchain delivers …

You will understand why you absolutely must include a heavy dose of blockchain-focused stocks to your portfolio.

Stay tuned to this space for more of those. And for my top picks, be sure to subscribe to my Weiss Crypto Investor newsletter. You can do that here.

Best wishes,
Tony Sagami

About the Technology Analyst

Even in the worst years for stocks, Tony was twice named “Portfolio Manager of the Year” by Thomson Financial. He was one of the first to introduce computer software for trading stocks. And in the early 2000s, he wrote “The Supernet,” providing a vision of the future internet that was far ahead of its time.

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