Research & News

Weiss Ratings Daily
I don’t know if you’re a football fan in general, or a New England Patriots fan in particular. But I’m both, and I have to tell you, that Super Bowl comeback was one for the ages! What an amazing...
Pivotal Point
The auto industry is doing well. Profits are up, sales are surging. And yet everyone is on edge. Disruption is coming. Autonomous vehicles are coming. This week, Fortune reported Cruise...
Weiss Ratings Daily
I’ve maintained that things look good for the markets, in part because of the new administration’s policies. But we’ve also seen some recent stock market volatility, and it’s easy to worry when...
Pivotal Point
The time to invest in small, disruptive high-tech companies has never been better. The values of these companies have been going through the roof as larger, stodgier firms realize it’s easier by...
Wealth Megatrends Subscription Your Issue
The first step to prepare for the Shadow Trillionaire Sell-Off is to clear your portfolio of the $1 trillion in stocks that sovereign wealth funds and central banks could unload in the next...
Weiss Ratings Daily
The first month of 2017 is officially in the books! If one thing stands out, it’s that this January looked a heck of a lot different from last January. Stocks fell out of bed in the first month...
Pivotal Point
A quick note here from the Money and Markets team: Our own Jon Markman has a great offer coming down the pike for his Pivotal Point Trader service. So, keep your eyes peeled for it in the days...
Weiss Ratings Daily
We’ve seen an incredible drought in new bank formation over the last six years. Strict regulations put in place to prevent another financial meltdown after the Great Recession made it quite...
Weiss Ratings Daily
Donald Trump is mad as heck and he’s not going to take it any more – at least when it comes to the U.S. dollar. That’s the signal the newly elected President and his top advisors sent out loud...
Pivotal Point
In the on-demand world of cloud data centers, speed is everything. Speed endows scale. Speed separates winners from losers. Among those winners are a whole new crop of semiconductor makers that...
Weiss Ratings