Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A.
Corporate Info
Phone Number
55 21 3031 5200
Avenida das Americas, 4.200
sala 501
Bloco 2
Barra da Tijuca
Rio De Janeiro, RJ 22640-102
sala 501
Bloco 2
Barra da Tijuca
Rio De Janeiro, RJ 22640-102
Year Founded
Real Estate
Real Estate Management and Development
Business Decription
Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. engages in the planning, development, construction, and sale of real estate projects in Brazil. The company develops residential or commercial properties, including urban shopping malls. It is also involved in the purchase and sale of real estate properties, as well as acquisition and disposal of real estate rights, and its operation through leasing. In addition, the company provides management and administrative services for own or third party shopping malls; consultancy and technical advisory and support services concerning real estate matters; and civil construction, construction works execution, and engineering and related services. Further, it engages in the planning, development, management, promotion, and intermediation of real estate projects; import and export of goods and services related to its activities; generation and sale of electric power; storage of vehicles; and parking, as well as operates theaters; and involved in advertising, agency, and amusement services. Additionally, the company engages in artistic, cultural events, exhibitions, auctions, music festivals, cinematographic, social and promotional events; and charities; and leases sound and light equipment. Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. was founded in 1974 and is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.