Velan Inc.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from C- on 5/25/2023 due to a major decline in the efficiency index. Net income declined 1,821.94% from $2.74M to -$47.16M, and total capital declined 17.66% from $293.6M to $241.75M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from C- on 5/25/2023 due to a major decline in the efficiency index. Net income declined 1,821.94% from $2.74M to -$47.16M, and total capital declined 17.66% from $293.6M to $241.75M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C- from D+ on 4/6/2023 due to a major increase in the total return index and volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C- from D+ on 4/6/2023 due to a major increase in the total return index and volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D+ from D on 3/30/2023 due to a substantial increase in the efficiency index, total return index and growth index. EBIT increased 163.15% from -$5.6M to $3.54M, net income increased 137.26% from -$7.35M to $2.74M, and earnings per share increased from -$0.3406 to $0.1269.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D+ from D on 3/30/2023 due to a substantial increase in the efficiency index, total return index and growth index. EBIT increased 163.15% from -$5.6M to $3.54M, net income increased 137.26% from -$7.35M to $2.74M, and earnings per share increased from -$0.3406 to $0.1269.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 8/25/2022 due to a decline in the volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 8/25/2022 due to a decline in the volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D+ from D on 8/10/2022 due to an increase in the total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D+ from D on 8/10/2022 due to an increase in the total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 7/26/2022 due to a decline in the total return index and volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 7/26/2022 due to a decline in the total return index and volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D+ from D on 7/11/2022 due to an increase in the dividend index and valuation index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D+ from D on 7/11/2022 due to an increase in the dividend index and valuation index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 6/7/2022 due to a decline in the total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 6/7/2022 due to a decline in the total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C on 5/19/2022 due to a significant decline in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Earnings per share declined from $0.2088 to -$1.19, net income declined 667.78% from $4.51M to -$25.59M, and total capital declined 12.75% from $354.76M to $309.53M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C on 5/19/2022 due to a significant decline in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Earnings per share declined from $0.2088 to -$1.19, net income declined 667.78% from $4.51M to -$25.59M, and total capital declined 12.75% from $354.76M to $309.53M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C from C- on 12/13/2021 due to an increase in the volatility index, total return index and valuation index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C from C- on 12/13/2021 due to an increase in the volatility index, total return index and valuation index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C- from C on 11/3/2021 due to a decline in the volatility index and valuation index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C- from C on 11/3/2021 due to a decline in the volatility index and valuation index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C from D on 10/11/2021 due to a significant increase in the growth index, efficiency index and valuation index. EBIT increased 3,365.85% from $287 to $9.95M, net income increased 198.86% from -$5.07M to $5.02M, and earnings per share increased from -$0.235 to $0.2323.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C from D on 10/11/2021 due to a significant increase in the growth index, efficiency index and valuation index. EBIT increased 3,365.85% from $287 to $9.95M, net income increased 198.86% from -$5.07M to $5.02M, and earnings per share increased from -$0.235 to $0.2323.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 10/6/2021 due to a decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 10/6/2021 due to a decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C- on 7/14/2021 due to a significant decline in the valuation index, efficiency index and growth index. Net income declined 1,600.89% from $338 to -$5.07M, EBIT declined 197.26% from -$1.31M to -$3.91M, and total revenue declined 12.84% from $85.51M to $74.53M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C- on 7/14/2021 due to a significant decline in the valuation index, efficiency index and growth index. Net income declined 1,600.89% from $338 to -$5.07M, EBIT declined 197.26% from -$1.31M to -$3.91M, and total revenue declined 12.84% from $85.51M to $74.53M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C- from D on 5/20/2021 due to a significant increase in the valuation index, efficiency index and total return index. Total capital increased 3.74% from $370.42M to $384.27M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C- from D on 5/20/2021 due to a significant increase in the valuation index, efficiency index and total return index. Total capital increased 3.74% from $370.42M to $384.27M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 1/25/2021 due to a noticeable increase in the volatility index, total return index and solvency index. The quick ratio increased from 1.07 to 1.13, and debt to equity declined from 0.21 to 0.2.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 1/25/2021 due to a noticeable increase in the volatility index, total return index and solvency index. The quick ratio increased from 1.07 to 1.13, and debt to equity declined from 0.21 to 0.2.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 9/25/2020 due to a decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 9/25/2020 due to a decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 9/4/2020 due to an increase in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 9/4/2020 due to an increase in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 8/19/2020 due to a decline in the volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 8/19/2020 due to a decline in the volatility index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 7/31/2020 due to an increase in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 7/31/2020 due to an increase in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 7/15/2020 due to a decline in the dividend index, volatility index and solvency index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 7/15/2020 due to a decline in the dividend index, volatility index and solvency index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 6/26/2020 due to an increase in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 6/26/2020 due to an increase in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 6/9/2020 due to a decline in the volatility index, total return index and dividend index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 6/9/2020 due to a decline in the volatility index, total return index and dividend index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 5/22/2020 due to an increase in the valuation index, volatility index and dividend index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to D from D- on 5/22/2020 due to an increase in the valuation index, volatility index and dividend index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 5/19/2020 due to a significant decline in the efficiency index, volatility index and total return index. Net income declined 159.82% from $1.37M to -$819, and total capital declined 1.67% from $379.26M to $372.94M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D- from D on 5/19/2020 due to a significant decline in the efficiency index, volatility index and total return index. Net income declined 159.82% from $1.37M to -$819, and total capital declined 1.67% from $379.26M to $372.94M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 5/25/2018 due to a major decline in the total return index, efficiency index and growth index. Earnings per share declined from $0.0141 to -$0.3802, net income declined 2,795.41% from $305 to -$8.22M, and EBIT declined 251.8% from $1.97M to -$2.99M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D from D+ on 5/25/2018 due to a major decline in the total return index, efficiency index and growth index. Earnings per share declined from $0.0141 to -$0.3802, net income declined 2,795.41% from $305 to -$8.22M, and EBIT declined 251.8% from $1.97M to -$2.99M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C- on 1/12/2018 due to a decline in the efficiency index, volatility index and dividend index. Total capital declined 2.27% from $372.67M to $364.22M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C- on 1/12/2018 due to a decline in the efficiency index, volatility index and dividend index. Total capital declined 2.27% from $372.67M to $364.22M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C- from D+ on 1/2/2018 due to an increase in the total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C- from D+ on 1/2/2018 due to an increase in the total return index.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C- on 10/13/2017 due to a noticeable decline in the efficiency index, volatility index and valuation index. Net income declined 29.9% from -$4.3M to -$5.59M, and total capital declined 1.58% from $378.65M to $372.67M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to D+ from C- on 10/13/2017 due to a noticeable decline in the efficiency index, volatility index and valuation index. Net income declined 29.9% from -$4.3M to -$5.59M, and total capital declined 1.58% from $378.65M to $372.67M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C- from C on 9/13/2017 due to a substantial decline in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Operating cash flow declined 3,559.93% from $292 to -$10.1M, earnings per share declined from $0.1702 to -$0.2, and net income declined 216.1% from $3.71M to -$4.3M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C- from C on 9/13/2017 due to a substantial decline in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Operating cash flow declined 3,559.93% from $292 to -$10.1M, earnings per share declined from $0.1702 to -$0.2, and net income declined 216.1% from $3.71M to -$4.3M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C from C- on 5/26/2017 due to a significant increase in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Net income increased 146.97% from $1.5M to $3.71M, earnings per share increased from $0.0691 to $0.1702, and EBIT increased 37.23% from $3.14M to $4.31M.
Velan Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to C from C- on 5/26/2017 due to a significant increase in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Net income increased 146.97% from $1.5M to $3.71M, earnings per share increased from $0.0691 to $0.1702, and EBIT increased 37.23% from $3.14M to $4.31M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C- from C on 11/1/2016 due to a significant decline in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Operating cash flow declined 153.6% from $12.89M to -$6.91M, total revenue declined 8.1% from $77.41M to $71.14M, and total capital declined 0.06% from $364.04M to $363.82M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C- from C on 11/1/2016 due to a significant decline in the valuation index, growth index and efficiency index. Operating cash flow declined 153.6% from $12.89M to -$6.91M, total revenue declined 8.1% from $77.41M to $71.14M, and total capital declined 0.06% from $364.04M to $363.82M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C from B- on 3/11/2016 due to a noticeable decline in the volatility index, total return index and valuation index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C from B- on 3/11/2016 due to a noticeable decline in the volatility index, total return index and valuation index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to B- from C+ on 2/26/2016 due to an increase in the volatility index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to B- from C+ on 2/26/2016 due to an increase in the volatility index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C+ from B- on 1/15/2016 due to a substantial decline in the growth index, total return index and efficiency index. Earnings per share declined from $0.2171 to $0.16, net income declined 24.03% from $4.75M to $3.61M, and total revenue declined 6.77% from $111.56M to $104M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C+ from B- on 1/15/2016 due to a substantial decline in the growth index, total return index and efficiency index. Earnings per share declined from $0.2171 to $0.16, net income declined 24.03% from $4.75M to $3.61M, and total revenue declined 6.77% from $111.56M to $104M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to B- from C+ on 10/16/2015 due to a significant increase in the growth index and solvency index. EBIT increased 60.89% from $5.27M to $8.48M, earnings per share increased from $0.14 to $0.2171, and debt to equity declined from 0.12 to 0.1.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to B- from C+ on 10/16/2015 due to a significant increase in the growth index and solvency index. EBIT increased 60.89% from $5.27M to $8.48M, earnings per share increased from $0.14 to $0.2171, and debt to equity declined from 0.12 to 0.1.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C+ from B- on 10/12/2015 due to a noticeable decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to C+ from B- on 10/12/2015 due to a noticeable decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B- from B on 9/21/2015 due to a large decline in the volatility index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B- from B on 9/21/2015 due to a large decline in the volatility index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B from B+ on 8/18/2015 due to a noticeable decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B from B+ on 8/18/2015 due to a noticeable decline in the volatility index and total return index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to B+ from B on 8/3/2015 due to an increase in the volatility index, valuation index and dividend index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to B+ from B on 8/3/2015 due to an increase in the volatility index, valuation index and dividend index.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B from B+ on 7/17/2015 due to a large decline in the growth index, volatility index and valuation index. Operating cash flow declined 133.07% from $25.21M to -$8.34M, EBIT declined 44.71% from $9.54M to $5.27M, and earnings per share declined from $0.215 to $0.14.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B from B+ on 7/17/2015 due to a large decline in the growth index, volatility index and valuation index. Operating cash flow declined 133.07% from $25.21M to -$8.34M, EBIT declined 44.71% from $9.54M to $5.27M, and earnings per share declined from $0.215 to $0.14.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B+ from A on 5/26/2015 due to a substantial decline in the total return index, growth index and valuation index. Total revenue declined 10.04% from $127.29M to $114.51M, EBIT declined 4.68% from $10M to $9.54M, and earnings per share declined from $0.2168 to $0.215.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was downgraded to B+ from A on 5/26/2015 due to a substantial decline in the total return index, growth index and valuation index. Total revenue declined 10.04% from $127.29M to $114.51M, EBIT declined 4.68% from $10M to $9.54M, and earnings per share declined from $0.2168 to $0.215.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to A from A- on 1/16/2015 due to a significant increase in the growth index, total return index and volatility index. Operating cash flow increased 53.4% from $5.25M to $8.06M, total revenue increased 14.79% from $110.89M to $127.29M, and EBIT increased 9.93% from $9.1M to $10M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to A from A- on 1/16/2015 due to a significant increase in the growth index, total return index and volatility index. Operating cash flow increased 53.4% from $5.25M to $8.06M, total revenue increased 14.79% from $110.89M to $127.29M, and EBIT increased 9.93% from $9.1M to $10M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to A- from B+ on 5/28/2014 due to a large increase in the valuation index, volatility index and efficiency index. Net income increased 24.92% from $8.32M to $10.39M, and total capital increased 0.45% from $412.12M to $414M.
Velan, Inc. (VLN.TO) was upgraded to A- from B+ on 5/28/2014 due to a large increase in the valuation index, volatility index and efficiency index. Net income increased 24.92% from $8.32M to $10.39M, and total capital increased 0.45% from $412.12M to $414M.