Weiss Ratings + AI = The Rolls Royce of Portfolio Models

by Gavin Magor
By Gavin Magor

I’ve always said, “If I had a dollar for every time someone wished for a crystal ball to see the market’s future, I’d be a very rich man.”

While I’m still waiting for that dough to start rolling in, I’m delighted to report that AI’s ability to accurately forecast market direction and stock performance could make all of us very rich.

That’s not just pie-in-the-sky thinking on my part. After eight years of backtesting AI applications in conjunction with other highly successful models used in the Weiss Ratings, I know that to be true.

If it weren’t, our founder Martin Weiss never would’ve announced in a webinar on Tuesday that Weiss Ratings is now adding AI to its suite of stock-picking technologies

Nor would I be touting our use of AI in investing today.

Let me back up for a moment …

Starting with Our Unbeatable Track Record

You already know how much I love the safety and profit potential of our Weiss Stock Ratings system. Every week, I show you something new and unique that you can do with it to narrow down and find hidden gems. 

Don’t take my word for it, either. It has objectively proven itself. 

Based on a total of 12,557 stock “Buys” over the last 20 years, the system produced an average gain of 296% per trade in that time. That includes the small number of losers that are inevitable with that many individual trades. 

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But I also say that there is always room for improvement. 

That’s why, with the great help of Martin and my team, I was able to develop an “AI Performance Booster” to make this system even better at picking the right winners to buy. 

After all, no one wants to trade 12,557 stocks by themselves. 

After eight years, we found the answer.

What we found after comparing our current successful models with AI and without AI is very impressive indeed. 

Results showed that the AI-boosted model performed 2.077 times better, which to me is huge. When you start with average gains of nearly 300% and you boost them by two times, that’s something you just have to share. 

Rolls Royce of Weiss Portfolios

Martin compares it to supercharging a Ferrari. I’ve never been a fan of these Italian cars, so I’d rather use the term, the Rolls Royce of Weiss portfolios.

The injection of AI allows for modeling that human beings could never replicate — even if they had an entire lifetime to do so, let alone in the few hours or even minutes one must make on-the-spot investment decisions. 

AI can run calculations repeatedly without mistakes and do so as many times as needed to adjust for new data. It allows us to, for example, find out the probability of each stock outperforming the S&P 500 in the next 90 days, or any period.

From there, each stock is rated from the highest probability to the lowest probability. And it’s these final rankings that we call the AI Performance Booster.

That one enhancement would allow us to wean down a list of 822 “Buy”-rated stocks to just 20 cream-of-the-crop stocks that we want to buy now. 

Our AI program can also tell us which among our “Buy”-rated stocks are the most likely to beat the market based on millions of data points on billions of calculations. 

The use of AI is particularly useful in investing today because it can quickly and efficiently process huge volumes of data produced daily. According to IDC, 22 zettabytes of data were produced or replicated in 2022. And data is what fuels AI. 

The more the better.

Our database of Weiss Ratings and individual company information is huge. That’s why it works so well as a “booster.”

Many institutions use technology like algorithms in High Frequency Trading, or HFT, to manipulate markets and pad their own pockets with profits.

At Weiss Ratings, though, we use AI technology to gather accurate data and projections for identifying present and future top performers. 

Who needs crystal balls, anyway?

Click here to learn how you can take advantage of our new AI technology and grow richer as we grow smarter.

Here’s to innovation.



About the Contributor

Gavin Magor directs a global team of research analysts and data scientists to ensure that the 53,000+ Weiss ratings continually meet the highest standards of independence and accuracy. He oversees 10 separate mathematical models, designed to evaluate stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, banks, insurance companies and more.

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