Crypto Research & News

Weiss Crypto Daily
Since tomorrow’s a holiday, we’re publishing our regular Friday issue today. A few years ago, a Weiss analyst recommended Bitcoin to a relatively small group of readers. If each reader had...
Weiss Crypto Daily
The data breach of 50 million Facebook users is not just a social media problem. Nor is it strictly an excuse for investors to dump their tech stocks, sending them into a nosedive like we saw...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Facebook’s breach of trust, impacting over 50 million users, has most of the world up in arms. Users are deleting their Facebook accounts. Investors are dumping Facebook shares. And widely-read...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Your Issue
Cryptocurrency markets are at a crucial crossroads. Since early 2017, we’ve witnessed a great parabolic move, a big decline, and now a period of choppy ups and downs. When will the next surge...
Weiss Crypto Daily
Some people think it’s too late to invest in cryptocurrencies. They say that the 1,000% profits investors made in Bitcoin in 2017 can never happen again. But back in the last cycle, many people...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Your Issue
Since the very first day you joined Martin and me in this cryptocurrency adventure, I’ve been harping on the importance of the 20-day cycle in Bitcoin and crypto markets overall. Sure enough,...
Weiss Crypto Daily
The world’s financial authorities were widely expected to propose tough regulation for cryptocurrencies at their G20 meeting this week. Instead, they surprised cryptocurrency investors by doing...
Weiss Crypto Daily
In the near term, the Ripple token (XRP) is not a bad investment. It has good trading volume. Its lower-than-average volatility can help add some stability to a diversified crypto portfolio. ...
Weiss Crypto Daily
We’ve told you why Bitcoin is not dying. We’ve told you why we don’t give it an A. But we have not yet given you an answer to today’s question — what is the truefuture of Bitcoin? That’s my...
Weiss Crypto Portfolio Subscription Alert
Last week, based on my crypto cycles model, I wrote that Bitcoin was unlikely to break support at 9,200. But on March 10, it did break support. So it was wrong. Great! Martin still has only...
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