Major Rating Factors:
Good overall profitability (6.8 on a scale of 0 to 10). Excellent expense controls. Return on equity has been fair, averaging 5.8%. Fair overall results on stability tests (4.0). Fair quality investment portfolio (4.7) with large holdings of BBB rated bonds in addition to junk bond exposure equal to 72% of capital. Exposure to mortgages is significant, but the mortgage default rate has been low.
Other Rating Factors:
Fair Liquidity (4.9). Strong capitalization (7.6) based on excellent risk adjusted capital (severe loss scenario).
Stability Factors:
A - Financial problems or weaknesses of a parent or affiliate company.
G - Fast asset or premium growth.
I - Past results on our Investment Safety Index.
L - Past results on our liquidity tests.
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Group annuities (64.5%), ind annuities (33.8%), other (1.7%)
Licensed in:
All states except NY
Invested Assets
CMO & Structured Securities
Other Investment Grade Bonds
Non-Investment Grade Bonds
Common & Preferred Stock
Mortgages in Good Standing
Non-Performing Mortgages
Real Estate
Other Investments
Investments in Affiliates
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
American International Group
Investment Rating
Company Address
2727-A Allen Parkway 3-D1
Houston, TX 77019
Houston, TX 77019
Phone Number
(713) 522-1111
NAIC Number
Largest Affiliates