Pivotal Point

Turning points in history and in the markets can help you transform small grubstakes into not-so-small fortunes. Or they can trip up your finances for months, even years. This free e-letter will not only keep you one step ahead of the news, but it will also help you identify the pivotal point in time when a major turn is near.


Sometimes a fresh set of eyes provides the quickest way to get where you want to go. Shares of Darden Restaurants (DRI) surged to a record high on Friday. Since activist investors ousted the...
In the 1980s, President Reagan used to say the most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” There was no need for further explanation. ...
Often, great businesses hide in plain sight. They are not flashy. They are utilitarian. Since 1970, a little-known Cincinnati holding company has been quietly building empires in palliative care...
Hong Kong researchers have successfully developed a 3D-printed nanoscale robot that can maneuver at a cellular level. This week, Science Robotics, a leading robotics technical journal, published...
Margins are razor-thin in the food industry. So when a bacteria outbreak like E. coli hits, it can really wreak havoc throughout the entire supply chain. Now, 10 leading food companies plan to...
From avocado toast to specialty coffees, millennials love hospitality. Frequenting trendy restaurants and haughty coffee shops has become the new clubbing. Business Insider reports Bernstein...
Orlando International is now scanning all international arrivals/departures. This could escalate the surveillance state in a big way. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can create $3.5T to $5.8T in...
Corporations fear Amazon. They should. That’s because the online pioneer thrives on disruption. It often steamrolls over its wide-eyed competitors. Just look at what happened to FedEx Corp....
Most investors don’t know it, but wholesaling used cars is a red-hot business. Since 1982, Copart Inc. (CPRT) has been in the business of remarketing fleet, dealer, reprocessed and salvaged...
About once every three months, a fever erupts over fears of a robot apocalypse. It usually coincides with new images of scary robotic dogs, or talk of autonomous killer drones. This week...

About the Editor

Jon D. Markman is winner of the prestigious Gerald Loeb Award for outstanding financial journalism and the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi award. He was also on Los Angeles Times staffs that won Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of the 1992 L.A. riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. He invented Microsoft’s StockScouter, the world’s first online app for analyzing and picking stocks.

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