The Safe-Money Investor Advocate
In an era of high-risk, high-stakes exuberance, Mike Larson stands out as a leader in conservative investment strategies that outperform the market over the long haul.
Using the safety-oriented Weiss Ratings as a guide, Mike's Safe Money Report has a proven history of guiding investors to stocks that provide consistent dividends, excellent growth, plus asset protection in down markets.
Meanwhile, his Weekend Windfalls service — where he collaborates with Trading Specialist Juan Villaverde and Ratings Specialist Mandeep Rai — shows investors how to make an average of $1,000 in extra cash nearly every Friday, also based on a safety-first income approach.
And his Heat Maps service reveals the top-rated stocks across a wide swath of industries. In each issue, he also gives an in-depth look into one sector and explains why it — and the stocks within it — should rise to the top investors' radars, too.
Mike is a graduate of Boston University and an alumnus of both Bloomberg News and, where he helped investors and consumers better understand how to get the most from their savings, how to avoid risks in the mortgage market, and improve their personal finances overall.
He began doing the same on a much larger scale when he joined Weiss Ratings in 2001.
Working closely with founder Dr. Martin Weiss for two decades has given him the opportunity to see, firsthand, how keeping an eye on safety is so essential to building a reliable nest egg.
At Weiss Ratings, he has reached millions of readers and helped investors make sense of the markets, find safer investments with the highest returns, and grow their wealth through both good times and bad.
Over the years, you may have seen him featured on financial news channels like CNN, CNBC, Fox Business and BNN Bloomberg. He has also spoken on dozens of radio shows across the U.S., and his work has been quoted by AP, Reuters, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and multiple other publications.
Today, Mike Larson is the proud standard-bearer of the Weiss 50-year tradition of safe investing.
Mike Larson's Articles
Mike Larson On
August 1, 201807:55 AM Eastern
One-hundred and twenty billion dollars is a lot of money.
It’s roughly equal to the entire annual economic output of Kuwait — or Uruguay and Panama combined, if you prefer.
It’s enough to buy...
Mike Larson On
July 27, 201808:00 AM Eastern
There’s a market that just “blew up.” But I’m not talking about STOCKS. I’m talking about government BONDS.
Last Friday and this Monday, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note shot up to 2.97%...
Mike Larson On
July 27, 201807:55 AM Eastern
I’m sure you’ve heard the idiom about walking a mile in someone else's shoes. That same saying can apply to investing, especially when it comes to deciding in what country to invest your money.
Mike Larson On
July 25, 201807:55 AM Eastern
Did you see the latest market blowup we just had? No, not in stocks. In government BONDS!
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note shot up to 2.97% from 2.85% last Friday and Monday. Meanwhile,...
Mike Larson On
July 18, 201807:55 AM Eastern
Two summers ago, I had the amazing opportunity to present on the 2016 Money, Metals & Mining Cruise. Just like the land-based conventions I’ve attended in the past (and the upcoming San Francisco...
Mike Larson On
July 13, 201812:00 PM Eastern
The July Issue of Safe Money Report is now available for immediate download.
Inside …
Page 1 — When Wall Street Tries Dumping Financial Garbage on Your Doorstep, You Know it’s Time to Get...
Mike Larson On
July 13, 201808:00 AM Eastern
There’s no substitute for experience in this business. The longer you spend watching Wall Street, the more you see. And the more you see, the better you understand how the business works.
Mike Larson On
July 11, 201807:55 AM Eastern
I’ve been in this business a long time. Long enough that it’s hard to shock me. But I’m frankly appalled at the kinds of stocks coming out of the Initial Public Offering chute lately. And I have...
Mike Larson On
July 10, 201804:53 PM Eastern
Mike Larson shared his thoughts on the stock and bond markets, the sectors he likes and doesn’t like, as well as some of his favorite investment recommendations with Chuck Jaffe of the Money Life...
Mike Larson On
July 4, 201807:55 AM Eastern
The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays, right up there with Thanksgiving. Regardless of our political leanings, our family situations, our views on the markets or anything...