Major Rating Factors:
Fair overall results on stability tests (4.7 on a scale of 0 to 10). Strong overall capitalization (9.9) based on excellent risk adjusted capital (severe loss scenario). However, capital levels have fluctuated somewhat during past years. High quality investment portfolio (8.4) despite no exposure to mortgages and substantial holdings of BBB bonds but minimal holdings in junk bonds.
Other Rating Factors:
Excellent profitability (7.8) with operating gains in each of the last five years. Excellent Liquidity (10.0).
Stability Factors:
A - Financial problems or weaknesses of a parent or affiliate company.
T - Significant trends in critical asset, liability, income or expense items.
Principal Lines of Business:
Other (100%)
Licensed in:
All states except AK, IA, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, SD, VT, WY