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Last week we saw how the “banksters” (i.e. central banks) do all they can to keep the herd under their spell … creating a world of illusion where a tiny segment of society takes advantage of...
Folks, the internet giveth, and the internet taketh away. For Twitter, it’s that times a million. Let’s start with the June 2020 issue of Weiss Ratings Crypto Investor, where we talked about a...
Way back when I first started out in this business, around the turn of the century, there was this guy who’d walk around the office saying/asking/blurting, “Are you bull or bear?” He did more...
Is it time to set your sights on the sun? By that, I mean investing in the stocks of companies leveraged to solar power. You’d be in good company if you did. Warren Buffett is building the...
The vast majority of the 2,647 cryptocurrencies listed by trade on nothing more than hopes and dreams. Only a few have real world use cases. And of those, almost none are as...
The space race reignited last week when a SpaceX crew hooked up with the International Space Station nearly 250 miles from Earth. The successful mission means the United States government is now...
The coronavirus pandemic has created a financial nightmare in America. It has unleashed a chain of devastating economic events that could change almost everything in your life. But if you...
There’s a great divide in America today. And I’m not talking about politics. I’m talking about the rift between the “real” economy and the “asset” economy. Suppose you hadn’t been watching the...
The Fed seems to think that the $2.3 trillion in extra save-the-world money it announced on Thursday will do the trick. And for now, at least, Wall Street seems to agree. Well, I have news for...
U.S. SENIORS TO FACE INCOME EMERGENCY IN 2020 Martin Weiss: “Take these three simple steps to prepare for this low-yield crisis NOW … while securing a brand-new source of income on demand …...
Weiss Ratings