Major Rating Factors:
Good profitability index (4.9 on a scale of 0 to 10) with operating gains in each of the last five years. Excellent expense controls. Return on equity has been low, averaging 2.2% over the past five years. Fair reserve development (3.6) as reserves have generally been sufficient to cover claims. Strong long-term capitalization index (10.0) based on excellent current risk adjusted capital (severe and moderate loss scenarios). Moreover, capital levels have been consistent in recent years.
Other Rating Factors:
Good liquidity (7.0) with sufficient resources (cash flows and marketable investments) to handle a spike in claims. Excellent overall results on stability tests (7.1). Stability strengths include good operational trends and excellent risk diversification.
Stability Factors:
F - Negative cash flow.
Principal Lines of Business:
Homeowners (47.5%), work comp (16.7%), comm multi (14.2%), personal/comm auto (6.7%), fin guar/surety (1.1%), product liab. (0.2%), fire (0.1%), other (13.6%)
Licensed in:
All states and VI
Principal Investments:
Investment grade bonds (97.5%), non investment grade bonds (0.1%), other (2.4%)
Corporate Info
Group Affiliation
Chubb Limited
Investment Rating
Company Address
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
New York, NY 10036
Phone Number
(215) 640-1000
NAIC Number
Largest Affiliates