The highest NAV that a fund has achieved during the previous month.
The highest price that a fund has achieved during the previous month.
The lowest NAV that a fund has achieved during the previous month.
The lowest price that a fund has achieved during the previous month.
The most recent price of a security.
The highest NAV that a fund has achieved during the previous 52 weeks.
The number of days since the fund has achieved its highest NAV during the previous 52 weeks.
The highest price that a security has achieved during the previous 52 weeks.
The date at which a security has achieved its highest price during the previous 52 weeks.
The date at which a security has achieved its highest NAV during the previous 52 weeks.
The number of days since the fund has achieved its highest price during the previous 52 weeks.
The lowest NAV that a fund has achieved during the previous 52 weeks.
The date at which a fund has achieved its lowest NAV during the previous 52 weeks.
The number of days since the fund has achieved its lowest NAV during the previous 52 weeks.
The lowest price that a security has achieved during the previous 52 weeks.
The date at which a fund has achieved its lowest price during the previous 52 weeks.
The most recent price of a security.
The most recent price of a security.
The most recent price of a security.