
The Weiss rating measured on a scale from A to F based on each stock’s performance and risk. (See Rating Definitions).

Rating Change

Indicates whether the rating has recently changed.


Weiss Ratings’ opinion of investment action based on a Weiss rating. We recommend buying stocks rated A and B, holding C rated stocks, and selling D and E.

Retail Only

This indicates if the product is offered to retail clients (non-institutional) only.

Reward Grade


Reward Index


Reward Rating

Primarily based on a stock’s total return to shareholders over the trailing five years and, based on sales, net income, earnings trends and anticipated dividends, its prospects for future returns. Additionally, based on the stock’s current price, other important ratios are factored in. Based on proprietary modeling the individual components of the risk and reward ratings are calculated and weighted and the final rating is generated. Also see Risk Rating.

Risk Grade


Risk Index


Risk Rating

Primarily based on the level of volatility in the stock’s daily, monthly and quarterly returns and on the company’s financial stability. Stocks with very stable returns are considered less risky and receive a higher risk rating. Stocks with greater volatility are considered riskier, and will receive a lower risk rating. Companies with poor financial stability are considered riskier investments than those that are financially stable. Also see Reward Rating.

Weiss Ratings