Mahdis Marzooghian

| Managing Editor

A seasoned writer and editor, Mahdis Marzooghian has a master’s degree in professional writing and nearly 15 years of overall professional writing and editing experience, six of which have been in financial publishing. Coming from a creative writing background, she strongly believes in using her skills as a writer to create powerful, engaging financial content for a wide range of subscribers.

Mahdis is the Managing Editor for the team of research analysts and senior editors at Weiss Ratings.

Before Weiss, Mahdis was Managing Editor at Money Map Press, a subsidiary of Agora Publishing based in Baltimore, Maryland. For over four years, she edited the Money Morning financial e-letter, working directly with marketing teams and various financial experts to write content.

Mahdis also has years of experience in marketing, SEO, SEM, copywriting, copyediting, content management, publication/email/newsletter-writing, and product management. She is a contributing writer for Weiss Ratings Daily.

Mahdis Marzooghian's Articles
But first, a look back at some of our best ideas for 2023
As this year draws to an end, we hope you can reflect on some of your Weiss Ratings wins. But there are still more opportunities before year’s end.
As investors await the Fed’s decision on rate hikes, don’t miss our experts’ latest batch of research and data.
It may be a short week, but we’ve rounded up the three top articles to hand you plenty of ideas and opportunities for gains.
Climbing yields and continued Fed hawkishness put a damper on the November rally, but our experts’ research is here to counter the grim news.
With the help of our Weiss ratings and our experts’ research, you can find opportunities and gains no matter what.
Smart investors know they can turn to the reliable data and research of Weiss Ratings experts to help them navigate the choppy market waters.
As always, where most analysts and investors see seasons to sell and run for the hills, our experts here at Weiss Ratings see one thing: opportunity.
This week was chock-full of economic data, and while the numbers show that inflation’s still running hot, there are still plenty of opportunities for investors.
We made it through the turbulent month of August only to find ourselves in a month nicknamed, “The September Effect.” Here’s why you shouldn’t let that prevent you from investing.

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