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Forget Gold, these precious metals ETFs have returns of over 30% in the past six months. Sounds investment-worthy… So why do we rate all of them as a “sell”? Although these funds can offer...
An announcement last week from United Airlines (UAL) indicated that all may not be right with the airlines. United explained that currently they are operating under capacity in the US, during what...
Monday morning, Yahoo! Inc (YHOO) confirmed the sale of its web-based business to Verizon (VZ) for $4.8 billion in cash. Most of the company’s assets will be sold, the remaining Yahoo! will...
[Image: James Duncan Davidson used under license CC by 2.0] Last week was a big week for the internet giant Amazon (AMZN). First, the company reached a milestone on Monday by exceeding Berkshire...
With the post Brexit economic turmoil unfolding around the globe, we look in our own backyard to see what’s going on with U.S. bank stocks. Our stock analysis shows that three out of the top...
The preliminary offer by Mondelez International Inc. (MDLZ) to take over Hershey Co. (HSY) wasn’t sweet enough, and the creation of the world’s largest candy company will have to wait, or not...
Global markets were taken by surprise on Friday when the votes were counted in the U.K., as it became clear that Britain was going to leave the European Union (EU) after more than 40 years. Many,...
Utility stocks don’t usually create much excitement among investors, or the market, or in the news, but owning them may provide you with stable returns and low volatility … if that’s what you’re...
On Friday, there were reports of sell-offs in overseas markets, and the money was flooding into the U.S-specifically to U.S. Treasuries. Given the underwhelming 1.65% yield being offered, is this...
News of the crumbling relationship between Costco (COST) and American Express (AXP) had been out for a while and everyone knows that the day when their AmEx cards will no longer work at Costco is...

About the Editor

Dr. Weiss is the founder of Weiss Ratings, the nation’s leading provider of 100% independent grades on stocks, mutual funds and financial institutions, as well as the world’s only ratings agency that grades cryptocurrencies. He founded his company in 1971, and thanks largely to his strict independence, has established a 50-year record of accuracy. Forbes called him “Mr. Independence.” The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that his insurance company ratings outperformed those of A.M. Best, S&P and Moody’s by at least three to one. And The Wall Street Journal reported that investors using the Weiss stock ratings could have made more money than those following the grades issued by Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Standard & Poor’s and every other firm reviewed.

Weiss Ratings