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As this market propels to new all-time highs, let’s take a look at the current 15 ‘A’-rated Weiss stocks.
The big news this week came from the IPO of another social media darling. Here’s how it’s playing out.
The Fed’s latest signal could begin to sink the dollar. Fortunately, there’s a solution.
Bearish AI bets are about to fail … again.
Gold zoomed higher for 3 weeks before cooling off again. I’ll tell you why this is the start of something bigger.
Startups and dividends don’t have to be opposite ends of the spectrum. Here are three rule breakers.
New York Community Bank’s shocking situation offers a perfect glimpse into the difference between our stock and bank ratings.
It is even true in a market where hardly anything is guaranteed!
Space is the next $1 trillion industry. Here’s how to play it.
Digital transformation has now officially challenged gold itself. Here’s what it means for Bitcoin.

About the Editor

Dr. Weiss is the founder of Weiss Ratings, the nation’s leading provider of 100% independent grades on stocks, mutual funds and financial institutions, as well as the world’s only ratings agency that grades cryptocurrencies. He founded his company in 1971, and thanks largely to his strict independence, has established a 50-year record of accuracy. Forbes called him “Mr. Independence.” The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that his insurance company ratings outperformed those of A.M. Best, S&P and Moody’s by at least three to one. And The Wall Street Journal reported that investors using the Weiss stock ratings could have made more money than those following the grades issued by Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Standard & Poor’s and every other firm reviewed.

Weiss Ratings