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Today, Americans are spending more money on over-the-counter (OTC) drugs than ever before, and just like many medicine cabinets, great opportunities seem to be open.
My nephew just entered the workforce, and he’s reluctant to pour what little money he has into fixing his old car. But like millions of other Americans, he’s shocked by the prices of used cars.
The stock market is off to a rocky start this year … but American corporations are buying back their own shares at a record pace.
The national average for a gallon of gas was 36 cents when I got my driver’s license in 1972. It rose to 57 cents by the time I graduated high school … a 58% increase while minimum wage was only $1.60
Prices at the pump have created pandemonium … and it’s time to fight back.
The CPI numbers are grossly understating the true rate of inflation ... it’s really much, much worse than the government wants us to believe.
How would you like to receive a year-end bonus of 30 times your annual salary? That’s exactly what happened to employees of COSCO Shipping, China’s largest transoceanic shipping company.
Consumers tend to take the trucking industry for granted … but it’s the real backbone of our entire economy, and the investment opportunities stretch for miles and miles.
History indicates the Fed’s tapering won’t jolt the markets ... and with earnings season here, expectations suggest a rally.
My favorite thing about New Year’s Day is the dinner table talk. One of the liveliest conversations this year was about the failure of Congress to pass the Build Back Better plan.
Weiss Ratings