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The Weiss Stock Ratings should be your first destination for any investment related research.
Buffett is hoarding cash. But we bet he’d agree these are buys.
It’s the single-best bet in a fast-growing $62B market.
Don’t lose your monster gains. Here’s how to hedge.
And here’s how to grab your spot in line.
Our new economy could change your wealth path
Use the Weiss Ratings to find market outperformers in a market that continues to surge.
Plus, here’s what your experts are playing in a post-election market.
And here’s the one company that can still help you take advantage of the 44-year-old ‘robotics revolution.’

About the Editor

Dr. Weiss is the founder of Weiss Ratings, the nation’s leading provider of 100% independent grades on stocks, mutual funds and financial institutions, as well as the world’s only ratings agency that grades cryptocurrencies. He founded his company in 1971, and thanks largely to his strict independence, has established a 50-year record of accuracy. Forbes called him “Mr. Independence.” The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that his insurance company ratings outperformed those of A.M. Best, S&P and Moody’s by at least three to one. And The Wall Street Journal reported that investors using the Weiss stock ratings could have made more money than those following the grades issued by Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Standard & Poor’s and every other firm reviewed.

Weiss Ratings