Kelly Green
| Research Analyst
Kelly Green earned her bachelor’s degree in economics, and then completed her Series 7 and 66 licenses.
She has worked in the financial publishing industry for eight years where she specialized in income and options.
Kelly was additionally an editor for an income newsletter with over 35,000 readers. At Weiss, she manages research processes and is a regular contributor to the Weiss Ratings Daily Briefing.
Kelly Green's Articles
By Kelly Green On May 19, 202207:00 AM Eastern
It’s super simple, and in the end, it will ensure you’re not stuck with a policy on the failure list.
By Kelly Green On May 12, 202207:00 AM Eastern
Recently you could invest in almost any tech stock and expect it to continue to soar. But those times are over, so always use the Weiss Ratings to protect your money.
By Kelly Green On May 5, 202207:00 AM Eastern
Recently, I’ve been spending most of my free time reading earnings announcements. And I immediately started wondering about semiconductors.
By Kelly Green On April 28, 202207:00 AM Eastern
The pandemic has accelerated many trends … but have some of them already peaked? Streaming platforms might just be out of steam.
By Kelly Green On April 21, 202207:00 AM Eastern
Sometimes it’s aluminum, iron ore or copper … any one of these metals could help hedge your portfolio from inflation’s ugly attack.
By Kelly Green On April 14, 202209:05 AM Eastern
Earnings season is around the corner. Despite my excitement, I can’t shake the most recent inflation numbers. But don’t panic. Make simple adjustments to profit.
By Kelly Green On April 7, 202208:00 AM Eastern
We’re seeing all the signs to suggest that it might be time to hedge your portfolios with gold. Here are some great ways to consider taking action.
By Kelly Green On March 31, 202208:00 AM Eastern
Uber thinks it can have anything delivered within an hour. Is on-demand the next big thing?
By Kelly Green On March 24, 202207:00 AM Eastern
I recently took a mini vacation, and I couldn’t believe the crowds … so I had to check if the data was in line with my experience.
By Kelly Green On March 17, 202207:00 AM Eastern
I headed down another “research rabbit hole,” and this time, I found an interesting way to use ETF data in a way that I hadn’t before.